GIAN Supported Course on Semantic Web

Course Contents:

  1. Introduction to and Motivation of the Semantic Web
  2. Data Format RDF and Ontology Language RDF Schema
  3. Query Language SPARQL
  4. Rule Interchange Format (RIF)
  5. Web Ontology Language (OWL)
  6. Web Ontology Language (OWL) - OWL2RL inference rules in RIF
  7. Query Processing Strategies for Semantic Web
  8. Evaluation Strategies for Semantic Web Rules and Tableau-Approach
  9. Parallelization of Semantic Web Databases
  10. Processing Strategies for Semantic Web Data in the Cloud

The current World-Wide Web enables an easy, instant access to a vast amount of online information. However, the content in the Web is typically for human consumption, and is not tailored for machine processing. The Semantic Web is hence intended to establish a machine-understandable Web, and is currently also used in many other domains and not only in the Web. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has developed a number of standards around this vision. Among them is the Resource Description Framework (RDF), which is used as the data model of the Semantic Web. The W3C has also defined SPARQL as RDF query language, RIF as rule language, and the ontology languages RDFS and OWL to describe schemas of RDF. The usage of common ontologies increases interoperability between heterogeneous data sets, and the proprietary ontologies with the additional abstraction layer facilitate the integration of these data sets. Therefore, we can argue that the Semantic Web is ideally designed to work in heterogeneous Big Data environments.
There are masses of Semantic Web data freely available to the public - thanks to the efforts of the linked data initiative. According to the current freely available Semantic Web data is approximately 90 billion triples in over 3,300 datasets, many of which are accessible via SPARQL query servers called SPARQL endpoints. Everyone can submit SPARQL queries to SPARQL endpoints via a standardized protocol, where the queries are processed on the datasets of the SPARQL endpoints and the query results are sent back in a standardized format. Hence not only Semantic Web data is freely available, but also distributed execution environments for Semantic Big Data are freely accessible. This makes the Semantic Web an ideal playground for Big Data research.
In this course the students first learn the basics of the Semantic Web and especially the core of the family of Semantic Web languages. Afterwards the instructor introduces the technologies and approaches for efficient data handling, query processing and rule evaluation specialized to the Semantic Web world.

Teaching Faculty:

Dr. Sven Groppe,
Institute of Information Systems (IFIS),
University of Lübeck, Germany.
Email: groppe[at]ifis[dot]uni-luebeck[dot]de


K. Chandrasekaran,
Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal
Srinivasnagar PO, Surathkal, Mangalore 575025 , India.
Phone: +91 824 2474000 Extn 3400
Fax: +91 824 2474033
Email: techevents[dot]cse[at]gmail[dot]com

Sven Groppeis currently an Privatdozent Dr. rer. nat. habil. of  Institute of Information Systems (IFIS) at University of Lübeck, Germany. His research interests are in the broad area of Semantic Web Databases. Sven Groppe currently serves or has served on the program committees of IEEE CloudCom, ICEIS, XANTEC, ICAART, DEXA, KEOD, IDEAS, . He is the Workshop Chair of Semantic Big data at SIGMOD 2016. He also serves as a reviewer for various journals including ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (IEEE TKDE), IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Journal of Systems and Software (JSS). He was the exmember of W3C working groups: Rule Interchange Format Working Group and RDF Data Access Working Group. For more information:

Online registration is MUST to attend this course.

Before registration read the instructions given below:

Registration Procedure:

  1. Fill the registration form that was sent with Brochure.
  2. Pay the registration fee (if applicable) as DD.
  3. Scan the duly filled registration form and the DD (PDF format only accepted).
  4. Go to the online registration link:
  5. Fill the registration form and upload the scanned documents on or before 04/04/2016.
  6. Acceptance notification will be sent by E-mail.

Note: Number of participants for this course is limited to 50.

Registration Fee:

Industry / Research Organization Rs. 10,000/-
Academic Institutions Rs. 5000/-

* The above fee includes all instructional materials, computer use and internet facility.  The participants will not be given any TA/DA and boarding / lodging support. Participant can bring their laptop for effective utilization of course delivery.

Note: Faculty / student of NITK will be admitted at free of cost.

Payment Details:

Payment Mode In Favour of Payable at
Only Demand Draft (DD) The Director, NITK Surathkal Surathkal or Mangalore

Note: Potential participants from outside may please note that very limited accommodation facility is made available at NITK Guest House / International Hostel (IH) on First Come First Serve Basis. Hence, the registered participants are requested to send a separate accommodation request through Email to techevents[dot]cse[at]gmail[dot]com to avail accommodation inside the campus. The registration fee does not include the accommodation charges. The participants have to pay the accommodation charges separately to Guest House Management of NITK.

Also, participants may avail accommodation in the nearby hotels at Surathkal listed below: Hotel Name Contact Number (s) E-mail ID (s) Website
01 Hotel Sai Suraj International 0824-2478531/ 2478532/ 2478533
02 Hotel Sadanand 0824-2475350 / 2475570
03 Shrinivas Boarding & Lodging 0824-2478833 / 2476633
04 Hotel Shree Krishna Palace 0824-2477090 / 2477091
05 Hotel Maharaja International 0824-2475035 / 2475036 -
06 Sharada 0824-2475578
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Contact us

Dr. B. R. Chandavarkar
Head of the Department
Department of CSE, NITK, Surathkal
P. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangalore - 575 025
Karnataka, India.
Hot line: +91-0824-2474053
Email: hodcse[AT]nitk[DOT]ac[DOT]in


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