Network Security

Course Name: 

Network Security (IS703)


M.Tech (CSE-IS)




Programme Core (PC)

Credits (L-T-P): 

04 (3-0-2)


Introduction - Attacks, services and mechanisms - Classical encryption techniques - DES-Block cipher - Design principles and modes of operation. Encryption Algorithms - Hash functions - Triple DES - RC5 - Key management – Public key cryptography - RSA algorithm - Digital signatures and authentication protocols. System Security - Backups - integrity management - protecting against programmed threats, viruses and worms - physical security - Personnel security. Network security - Protection against eavesdropping - Security for modems - IP security - Web security - Electronic mail security - Authentication applications. Security tools-Firewalls-Wrappers-proxies-Discovering a break-in Denial of services attacks and solutions - Cryptographic security tools: Kerberos, PGP, SSH, SRP, OPIE.


1.William Stallings, "cryptography and network security – principles and practice", ii Edition, Pearson education, 2000
2.Steve Burnett, Stephene Paine, "rsa security's official guide to cryptography", TMH, 2001
3.E. Nemeth, g. snyder, S. Seenass, t.r. Hein, "unix system administration Handbook", 3rd Ed., PEL


Computer Science and Engineering

Contact us

Dr. B. R. Chandavarkar
Head of the Department
Department of CSE, NITK, Surathkal
P. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangalore - 575 025
Karnataka, India.
Hot line: +91-0824-2474053
Email: hodcse[AT]nitk[DOT]ac[DOT]in


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