Distributed Systems Security

Course Name: 

Distributed Systems Security (IS841)


M.Tech (CSE-IS)


Elective Courses (Ele)

Credits (L-T-P): 

03 (3-0-0)


Distribute systems concepts and design, Weak connectivity and update conflicts, GFS, Cryptographic Primitives, SSL, Reasoning formally about authentication, Software vulnerabilities and exploits, Software based fault isolation.


1. Charlie Kaufman, Radia Perlman and Mike Speciner, "Network Security: Private Communication in a Public World", Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 2002.
2. Abhijit Belapurkar, Anirban Chakrabarti et. al, "Distributed Systems Security: Issues, Processes and Solutions", Willey Publications.


Computer Science and Engineering

Contact us

Dr. B. R. Chandavarkar
Head of the Department
Department of CSE, NITK, Surathkal
P. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangalore - 575 025
Karnataka, India.
Hot line: +91-0824-2474053
Email: hodcse[AT]nitk[DOT]ac[DOT]in


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